I can appreciate a good magic trick just
as much as the next guy. What I have a hard time digesting is the idea that I’m
supposed to believe a legion of politicians who have all the loyalty of a
mercenary, all for sale to the highest bidder. The media, being made of even
more fickle stuff, proudly parades this gaggle of leaches before us as the sole
saviors of the very destruction they have wrought upon us all.
It really doesn’t matter what country
you’re from or currently reside, the pattern seems to always be the same. Actually,
you probably have a greater chance of being an experimental project for some
government agency wanting to practice their coup de’ta skills. I often hear radio pundits speak of “American
Exceptionalism” as a battle-cry that the United States is still different from
the rest of the world. If this were only still true. One trip through any airport and it will
quickly dawn on you that the Constitution is all but gone (particularly the
Fourth Amendment, and possibly soon the Second) and a Police State has risen in
its stead. But you won’t hear that from the media or its pundits. Sad to say that these pundits, as much as they
like to decry the media, are themselves no more than an extension of it, only
more open in their bias.
Somehow we’re supposed to believe that
the governor who helped construct the monstrosity known as Obamacare is now
going to be the one who will repeal it. If I am to listen to the likes of O’Reilly,
Hannity and Limbaugh, I have to forget
all the cons and lack of “true Conservative Principles” that was brought to
light by Mitt Romney’s fellow contenders for the White House, just to remove
Obama from office. They have found their new mantra: “Anybody but Obama!”
I’m supposed to forget that “Pro-Life”
Romney did not sign the Pro-Life Pledge that four of his opponents signed. Of course,
Mitt to be able to change this at a moment’s notice, depending on the audience
in front of him. Mitt’s got a record of
three flip-flops on this one alone.
“Anybody but Obama,” they tell me.
I’m supposed to forget that the “Varmit
Hunter,” supported the Brady Bill, the Assault Weapons Ban and raised the tax
on gun licenses in Massachusetts by 400 percent.
“Anybody but Obama,” chants
the 24-hour news network.
I’m supposed to forget that Mitt can’t
decide whether or not he’s going to tax me for breathing in order to stop “Climate
Change.” Yes Mitt scores another 3 – 0 flip-flops
on this one too! That’s three times ladies and gentlemen!
“Anybody but Obama,” the corrupt GOP delegate
riggers scream.
I’m supposed to forget that Mitt likes
the idea of being able to be paid off while in office. Unfortunately for me and
several other friends of mine, our coffers aren’t deep enough to make a
prominent, upstanding flip-flopper such as Mitt look twice. He makes a lovely
merc don’t you think? Yet… “Anybody but Obama,” I’m told again.
I’m supposed to forget that he favors
the Patriot Act, the NDAA signed by Obama, the indefinite detention of
Americans without trial and torture. Mitt tells me he believes in the
Constitution. That’s why he’s going to repeal Obamacare. He wouldn’t lie to me
just to get elected, would he?
"Anybody but Obama," plea the GOP.
I’m supposed to forget that Mitt has
pledged his unwavering support to the State of Israel and his wallet to the
Israeli Lobby. He knows where his bread is buttered. What’s a few thousand
American lives for a Christi…er… “Great Ally” nation of the US? What’s another quagmire war for a country
openly involved in ethnic cleansing, political imprisonment and religious
suppression? It’s a Democracy right? "Israel first" the Lobby tells him and he obeys
without question! America second (if he gets around to it). Israel’s hegemony of the US and the Middle
East comes first.
“Anybody but Obama,” shout the Gentiles.

“Anybody but Obama,” the war machine churns.
“Anybody but Obama!”
“Anybody but Obama!”
“Anybody but Obama!”
Excuse me for thinking out of the box
for a fraction of a second, but Isn’t there Anybody Else?
Well there was that Ron Paul guy, but
all of these same people said he can’t win. Yet…
“Anybody but Obama?”
What about that Gary Johnson dude? Nope…they
said he can’t win either. Yet…
“Anybody but Obama?”
Hey! What about Vern Wuensche? Virgil
Goode? Danny Woodring? Randall Terry? Matt Snyder? Stephen Rollins? Tom Miller?
Jimmy McMillan? Andy Martin? Kathyern Lane? Or even Stewart Alexander? All those people are on the 2012 ballot! Why
not one of them? Forget the Party!
It’s “Anybody but Obama” right?
No, no, no no…they can’t win. “Anybody
but Obama.”
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