Friday, July 20, 2012

James Holmes, Colorado Shooter, An Agent of Chaos

This article is an attempt to delve into a possible motive for its occurrence based upon facts reported. I will also include some additional commentary to attempt to bring more enlightenment as others attempt to darken the spinning atmosphere in order only to further an agenda.

The Story So Far

An apartment rigged to blow. A timer set to blast techno music for a certain amount of time. A 24 year old Graduate student from the University of California with a Ph.D in neuroscience, who is described by neighbors and friends as “brilliant” and “quiet.” A grad student in the process of withdrawing.  Weapons, including an AR-15 with 100-round drum magazine, a Glock .40 Caliber  and a Remington 870 shotgun, ALL legally purchased. A plan slowly coming to life on the wide-screen.

James Holmes has his hair painted red and is wearing body armor and a helmet, hiding his identity. Holmes is also armed with two tear gas grenades. According to witnesses on scene, as soon as the pre-movie trailers had finished, Holmes kicked open the door after throwing the two grenades into the theatre. He then entered the theatre and began shooting, killing 12 people and injuring seventy others.

Once Holmes was captured by police and taken into custody, he told police that his apartment had explosives inside ready to blow. According to police, there apparently was no resistance from Holmes during his capture. A bomb squad is still in the process of disarming Holmes’ super-booby-trapped apartment. Holmes told police that he was “The Joker.”

The Analysis

            James Holmes’ true motive: Proving a Theory True. What theory? The theory put forth by The Joker in the movie “The Dark Knight”:

The Joker:
“I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hmmm? You know... You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds! 
[Joker hands Two-Face a gun and points it at himself] 
“Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair! 

            So sad but true. Could it be, “insane” as it is, that Holmes in fact succeeded in proving The Joker’s theory true?  All the pundits and Presstitutes are reacting in exactly the same manner they always do.  Bathing in the blood spilt so that they can push an agenda and jack up their miserable ratings. I’d expect nothing more from the Dinosaur media whores.

            According to CNN’s Don Lemmon, this shooting was “…the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.” How quickly Lemmon forgets the even more tragic incident that occurred at Virginia Tech, where 33 people were killed. But that’s old news and the victims aren’t bleeding today so I guess the Virginia Tech victims can take a back seat today.

            Anderson Cooper’s dredge of monotone concern and crocodile tears reeks of an angst-ridden teenage minimum wage worker just waiting for the end of his shift. Reading his portable teleprompters with pin-point precision, comparing this event with every other shooting that has happened in the last 20 years, hoping to bleed every ounce of sympathy from his minimal audience.

            Holmes actually succeeded, if this indeed was his motive. So few Americans truly have any perspective. Here in “the world,” people get upset if there is an interruption to their football games and soap operas. Isn’t it amazing how a single white female can go missing or believed to be murdered and time virtually stops for a small community?  One person shoots up a theatre killing 12 people and as a result, chaos ensues.  According to the Joker in “The Dark Knight,” this wasn’t part of the plan.

            My question is how is that there can be so much outrage and condemnation of a singled out event, when, according to 2010 FBI statistics:

                        A violent crime occurred every                       25.3 seconds
                        One Murder every                                           35.6 minutes
                        One Forcible Rape every                                6.2 minutes
                        One Robbery every                                         1.4 minutes
                        One Aggravated Assault every                       40.5 seconds

Add to these statistics, the countless numbers of innocent people killed by government regimes overseas or warring/ occupying regimes in the middle east. Five-hundred thousand Afghanis were killed within the first three months following 9-11. One point six million Iraqis have been killed by the American Occupation, or the  five-thousand plus American Military who die there as well. There still continue to be numerous deaths in these areas that dwarf the number of people killed in the Theatre, on a daily basis. This also does not take into account the number of people killed by the tribes in Africa. Killed by children soldiers at that.

No one even bats an eye at any of these because it’s “…part of the plan.”

Author Jean Rostand explains puts it in perspective  in his book Thoughts of a Biologist (1939):
“Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god.

James Holmes, The Joker, proved his theory: An Agent of Chaos.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Your Job is Killing You

Maybe I’m different. I’ve been accused of that before on more than one occasion. For some strange reason, I have wanted my own business for as long as I can remember. Deep down I had some hidden drive to want to do better and stand out as “Accomplished” in some sort of way. Is there some sort of “Entrepreneur gene” that I don’t know about yet? Maybe those guys working on the Hadron Collider will start working on that one next after they’ve narrowed down something on that “God gene.”

Correct me if I’m wrong but this is still America, isn’t it? Some will debate me on that one, and I probably wouldn’t put up much of an argument with them either. During my more impressionable years, I was shown the greatness that this country had grown to be because of amazing and brilliant industrialists and philanthropists like Howard Hughes, Henry Ford, George Westinghouse and Richard Mellon Scaife.  Where are they today? We have all heard the likes of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, but where are the entrepreneurs next door? It’s like they’ve all disappeared within the last decade. Is it any wonder that unemployment is at an all time high?

I think it’s because of the “follow-the-herd” mentality ingrained in us in school. We’re never truly taught how to succeed. Entrepreneurism is a subject long done away with, unfortunately. Is it any wonder why most people expect to fail if they open a business?

 We’re constantly told that in order for us to succeed we must first get an approval paper signed, stamped and delivered at the ground-breaking cost of thousands and thousands of dollars from an accredited University. A paper that says that we are now fully capable of doing what we are told and we know how to regurgitate information. We are told that this is the only way to get a decent paying job. We are told that a great job comes with a fantastic benefits package and all the trimmings.

After we’ve done what we’re told and have met the approval of family, relatives, friends and teachers, we are now deemed worthy of an Entry-Level job with pay far lower than the debt we acquired to get there in the first place. We now have a career that we enjoy (hopefully), but the way most companies are run nowadays, you won’t see your first raise and vacation day for at least another 365 days. When the raise does come, it’s only enough to increase your taxes or add an extra hamburger value meal to your day and not much more.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there are several common occupational related diseases including  Hearing loss, Acute pesticide illness, tendonitis, mental health issues, heatstroke, poisoning, freeze-bite and respiratory conditions just to name a few. In addition to these we can place increased anxiety and depression near the top of the list. This is also does not take into account hazardous duty jobs in both the public and private sector. It’s almost as if you pledge your life and soul to the company and not to our families or even ourselves. You trade it all in for a bag of peanuts at the end of the week. And most of that never sees the light of day. All this and forty plus hours a week away from your wife and family, who could want anything more?

Americans now are scared to step out into the Chapel Perilous (a place of infinite possibilities and personal change that is the next step to the risk of the unknown). They are anxiously waiting to dump their entire paycheck into a machine in a casino for the chance of “Winning Millions” but they haven’t the foresight to countless other ways of doubling or tripling their earnings.  They have been so dumb down and terrified of stepping out of line and moving away from anything that remotely looks like security, they have all but forgotten who they are, who they were and who they were meant to be.

I can hear what you’re saying now. “Chris how are we supposed to support our families if we’re busy trying to build a business? At least with a job I have some financial security.” WRONG. If you should’ve learned anything from 2008 and beyond, it’s that there is no REAL security, let alone financial security, unless the government has ordained you “Too Big To Fail,” and even if you work for one of those mega-corporations, don’t think that you’re necessarily gonna be on the receiving end of one of those doled-out bonuses. In fact, that ought to serve as a lesson to everyone about just how chaotic life truly is. Chaos, risk, change and personal evolution are all inevitable.

“Well hey what about all those businesses that fail? I don’t want to open up a business and fail. I’d rather just keep my job and earn my pay that way.” Okay. So, say you do fail. Who cares? Educate yourself. Get some good training. Multi-million dollar businesses aren’t made overnight. Plus, if you haven’t failed at least once, you’re probably not trying, which is even worse. There’s a saying “Flowing water never grows stale.” Keep moving. Keep experimenting until you get it right. When you get it right, you’ll know. Do Olympic athletes just quit after the first time they fail? No. They train. They perfect themselves through thousands, even millions of repetitions before a competition. Plus you shouldn’t look at your failures as just failures. They are actually opportunities for you to learn from and improve upon the next round.  That’s how you get better. That’s how you learn to do it right.

So how far away are you from your first million dollars? How far away is your next vacation? Did your boss ever get around to buying you that new home you always wanted? And exactly how large was that last raise you got…if you got one?  And, by the way, how’s your health these days?

If you are like most Americans, you are still working forty plus hours a week, for what is now seven months out of the year, just to pay off the government.  If you’ve been working since your teen years, and you are in your thirty-somethings, you’ve got about fifteen years of solid steady work experience behind you, plus a college education (and all the debt it carries), an apartment or home with a hefty mortgage, a family, car note, cable bill, insurance and a litany of other black holes that manage to quash your prosperity daily.

I would like for everyone to own their own business at some point in their life. It’s not impossible. Granted, some will have the right stuff to make it all the way and some will not.

 I think Gene Simmons of KISS put it best when he said, “The idea that anybody in their twenties or thirties would ever think about taking a vacation before they’ve amassed fame and fortune is a wonderful idea – FOR LOSERS, Not everyone can climb Mount Olympus; somebody’s got to wrap fish.”

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Now You See It (Now You Don't)

I can appreciate a good magic trick just as much as the next guy. What I have a hard time digesting is the idea that I’m supposed to believe a legion of politicians who have all the loyalty of a mercenary, all for sale to the highest bidder. The media, being made of even more fickle stuff, proudly parades this gaggle of leaches before us as the sole saviors of the very destruction they have wrought upon us all.

It really doesn’t matter what country you’re from or currently reside, the pattern seems to always be the same. Actually, you probably have a greater chance of being an experimental project for some government agency wanting to practice their coup de’ta skills.  I often hear radio pundits speak of “American Exceptionalism” as a battle-cry that the United States is still different from the rest of the world. If this were only still true.  One trip through any airport and it will quickly dawn on you that the Constitution is all but gone (particularly the Fourth Amendment, and possibly soon the Second) and a Police State has risen in its stead. But you won’t hear that from the media or its pundits.  Sad to say that these pundits, as much as they like to decry the media, are themselves no more than an extension of it, only more open in their bias.

Somehow we’re supposed to believe that the governor who helped construct the monstrosity known as Obamacare is now going to be the one who will repeal it. If I am to listen to the likes of O’Reilly, Hannity and Limbaugh,  I have to forget all the cons and lack of “true Conservative Principles” that was brought to light by Mitt Romney’s fellow contenders for the White House, just to remove Obama from office. They have found their new mantra: “Anybody but Obama!”

I’m supposed to forget that “Pro-Life” Romney did not sign the Pro-Life Pledge that four of his opponents signed. Of course, Mitt to be able to change this at a moment’s notice, depending on the audience in front of him.  Mitt’s got a record of three flip-flops on this one alone.
“Anybody but Obama,” they tell me.

I’m supposed to forget that the “Varmit Hunter,” supported the Brady Bill, the Assault Weapons Ban and raised the tax on gun licenses in Massachusetts by 400 percent.
“Anybody but Obama,” chants the 24-hour news network.

I’m supposed to forget that Mitt can’t decide whether or not he’s going to tax me for breathing in order to stop “Climate Change.”  Yes Mitt scores another 3 – 0 flip-flops on this one too! That’s three times ladies and gentlemen! 
“Anybody but Obama,” the corrupt GOP delegate riggers scream.

I’m supposed to forget that Mitt likes the idea of being able to be paid off while in office. Unfortunately for me and several other friends of mine, our coffers aren’t deep enough to make a prominent, upstanding flip-flopper such as Mitt look twice. He makes a lovely merc don’t you think? Yet… “Anybody but Obama,” I’m told again.

I’m supposed to forget that he favors the Patriot Act, the NDAA signed by Obama, the indefinite detention of Americans without trial and torture. Mitt tells me he believes in the Constitution. That’s why he’s going to repeal Obamacare. He wouldn’t lie to me just to get elected, would he?
"Anybody but Obama," plea the GOP.

I’m supposed to forget that Mitt has pledged his unwavering support to the State of Israel and his wallet to the Israeli Lobby. He knows where his bread is buttered. What’s a few thousand American lives for a Christi…er… “Great Ally” nation of the US?  What’s another quagmire war for a country openly involved in ethnic cleansing, political imprisonment and religious suppression?  It’s a Democracy right?  "Israel first" the Lobby tells him and he obeys without question! America second (if he gets around to it).  Israel’s hegemony of the US and the Middle East comes first.
“Anybody but Obama,” shout the Gentiles.

I’m supposed to forget that the US has never been attacked by Iran and that there were no WMDs  in Iraq. I’m supposed to Support the Troops by sending them off to kill and die after 12 years of endless war and record number of returning vets committing suicide daily. I’m also not supposed to know about the natural gas pipeline deal struck between Iran, Pakistan and India that would prevent the Unocal pipeline from being completed near the Strait of Hormuz. “Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon,” they tell me time and again. Another war we can’t afford. More lives lost for the growing coffers of the elite.
“Anybody but Obama,” the war machine churns.

“Anybody but Obama!”
“Anybody but Obama!”
“Anybody but Obama!”

Excuse me for thinking out of the box for a fraction of a second, but Isn’t there Anybody Else?

Well there was that Ron Paul guy, but all of these same people said he can’t win. Yet…
“Anybody but Obama?”

What about that Gary Johnson dude? Nope…they said he can’t win either. Yet…
“Anybody but Obama?”

Hey! What about Vern Wuensche? Virgil Goode? Danny Woodring? Randall Terry? Matt Snyder? Stephen Rollins? Tom Miller? Jimmy McMillan? Andy Martin? Kathyern Lane? Or even Stewart Alexander?  All those people are on the 2012 ballot! Why not one of them? Forget the Party! 
It’s “Anybody but Obama” right?

No, no, no no…they can’t win. “Anybody but Obama.”